ENA Wiki

“まずあんた誰なの?この自分大好きキモオタバナナ信者が!” (First of all, who the hell are you?! Identify yourself you disgusting banana worshipper!)

Mariya is a minor character that appears in Temptation Stairway, serving as a guardian alongside Gabo.


Mariya resembles a disembodied head consisting of many geometric shapes colored aqua, cobalt, dark purple, and black. Her eyes and mouth are also geometric shapes, both black. Her pupils are white dots, and Her face seems to be constantly uneasy. She wears a blue veil on her head with a gray clip. She is seen carried on a desaturated yellow platter held by Gabo, who always accompanies her.

Although Mariya does not have limbs, she has the ability to jump and roll around, as shown when she complains about Ena's borrowed Blood ID.


Mariya has a rather brash, rude, and complaintive personality. As soon as the two first met, she taunts Ena for looking at a banana, going as far as to call her a disgusting banana worshipper. When Ena gave her Blood ID from The Shepherd to Mariya, she claimed that it didn't taste anything like Ena, whilst jumping up and down. However, she is not entirely disagreeable, finally giving Ena the directions to pass, only after Ena exclaims to her that they are all living a lie.

Mariya seems to take first impressions seriously. Even though she and Ena conversed briefly, she mentions that she doesn't like Ena before they part ways.


  • Mariya speaks Japanese in a Kansai dialect.
  • Mariya and Gabo are Joel Guerra's favorite ENA series characters.[2]

Cultural references and inspirations[]

  • During a Twitch stream, it was revealed that Mariya and Gabo were based on a religious painting. It is possible that they are based on the painting Salome Bearing the Head of St. John the Baptist, a painting which depicts Salome holding the head of St. John the Baptist on a platter.


